Join Workers and Students for Choice
We are a group of workers, students, parents and concerned citizens who came together from across the country (most of us are in California) to unite around fighting vaccine mandates and protecting our medical freedoms and civil liberties.
Are you vaxxed or unvaxxed? Are you conservative or progressive? We don't care! If you’re open to meeting new people who might have different ideas but share a common concern about the direction the world is going and want to change that, we welcome you! Especially if you feel alone, you’re invited to join us regardless of where you live.
We meet virtually EVERY Tuesday (5pm PST/ 8pm EST) on Zoom here:
Meeting ID: 842 2174 3159
Passcode: 034603
Or you can join our FB group at:
Workers and Students for Choice know that stopping what is coming will require more than virtual meetings. So we also help folks connect with like-minded people in their community and build the networks and physical connections necessary to organize. For instance, a Bay Area group meets in person every month and members from Sacramento have started a grassroots campaign to resist the vaccine mandates for school children.
Simply fill out the form below and we'll contact you about getting involved!